Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or a set of goals.

Learning alot recently, sometimes i think my mind is overloading.

Sometimes i think my brain is running out of memory to process all the data.
Also, i might be running out of space for data storage.
As i aged i also feel that i terms to break down more frequent, maybe due to overheating or general wear and tear.

But i really learnt alot, thru work or in school.
Lecturers, Senior colleagues and peers are a good source of knowledge.
Even my customer is a source of knowledge.

Learning can be from experience, observation and asking questions.

Currently i am learning to be a leader, a role i am not familiar or foresee myself to be in before.

I may not be a born leader, but i sure hope i can learn to be one.