Sunday, December 04, 2011


Stress up lately with work and study.

Frustrated a bit with the expectation people have on me.
All along, i have never wanted to be Batman, i think i am more of a Robin guy.
But now a day, i seems to drop into more Batman roles than Robin's.

In study group, without me, can't start discussion. Expecting me to provide direction.
Pride and Honored i felt, but stressful as i need to ensure i am leading them on the correct track.

In work, i am paid to lead now, yes it is a small team of good colleagues but it is an interesting and learning experience. Along with my current degree course, past experiences and some basic common sense. I am still surviving and doing ok.

Made some mistakes and learnt from it.
Tried some ideas and learnt from it as well.

All these are taking a toll on me.....
Time to calm down and relax.

Hopefully, i can learn to accept i am more of a Batman now.
And must learn to manage the "things" that comes along with it.